31 June 1985

made a huge effort to get this issue out before the Knebworth
show, and packed it full of live reviews from the first half
of the tour; Australia, New Zealand and North America. There
were newspaper cuttings, snapshots, passes, tickets and whatever
else we could lay our greedy hands on...
reaction from DPAS members who'd been lucky enough to catch
a show was mostly up, although there were worrying reports of
off-nights, Gillan struggling at times, and Blackmore looking
disinterested - especially during some of the Aussie shows.
He bucked up by the time they hit America though and a great
time appeared to be had by mostly all (with hindsight that US
tour seems to have been one of the best of the reunion). These
days I'm sure we would have tried to make a few of the American
shows, but there just wasn't the cash around (we did look at
trying to get to the first show but that was even further away
from our budget!) - most of it was earmarked for pulling out
our old chimney and hearth (it had been built to house a range
but sadly this had long gone), making the kitchen floor damp-proof
(they'd laid a skin of concrete over bare soil!), and knocking
through from there into the old outside toilet to give us more
room. It gave us something to take our minds off the fact that
Deep Purple were ONLY DOING ONE UK SHOW. They'd promised more,
albeit places like the NEC, but in the end it all fizzled away
to JUST ONE SHOW. How could they do this to us?
I also consoled myself by hunting down the weird and wonderful
promo items that the album was throwing up, including a still
very rare promo album package featuring a completely different
version of the DP logo, and loads of sales blurb on the inside,
including tour dates (just ONE SHOW IN THE UK), cuttings and
dealer prices etc. I pestered some poor DPAS member to death
to trade it off him. Also very smart was a cardboard display
stand designed to hold copies of the 7" single. Nothing ventured,
I asked the shop if I could have it and they just handed it
over - perhaps they couldn't believe my cheek.
If the album had mixed reviews the previous issue, then this
time I rather laid into EMI, who were rushing round like the
proverbial blue arsed flies to try and cash in on a band they'd
largely ignored until the reunion. Picture discs of the albums,
"six of the best" twelve inch singles, and a double "Anthology"
of readily available tracks along with a couple of rarities
thrown in for us collectors. It was taking the piss big time.
While they mucked around the bootleggers had begun work with
a vengeance. The first of the new style boots to hit the streets
(as early as January 1985 barely four weeks after the start
of the tour) was a smartly packaged double set called "Back
In Action" from the Melbourne show. Others followed, so many
fans had already heard the band live before they set foot in
Europe! These sets would be eagerly collected by loads of fans
over the next decade, many - like us - trying to keep a full
set going despite the crippling cost. They were distributed
mostly through the growing network of record fairs, much to
the annoyance of the regular dealers who saw their earnings
slump as people spent their allowance at the bootleg stalls.
The band had taped some shows but felt it was too early to put
out a live album, so they lost out big time.
Outside of Purple, Cozy Powell had walked from Whitesnake, Mel
Galley was pictured in hospital with his arm stitched up, and
the band were about to enter stasis before emerging as the glam
metal detectives. The magazine switched formats with Issue 31
as well, going to a more standard upright A4 format. It was
mainly due to the grumbles from the guys working the folding
machine at the printers. Once I'd seen how awkward the task
was I had little hesitation in changing over. We had also undergone
a change of name to Darker Than Blue magazine. In fact this
happened on Issue 29 but in all the excitement of looking back
at the reunion I forgot to mention it! The title came about
because we wanted to reflect the fact that the band were now
back, and we took it from one of the older American vinyl bootlegs
based on the Aachen tapes.
TOUR, LIVE REVIEW : Adelaide |
TOUR, LIVE REVIEW : The Meadowlands |
REVIEW : Perfect Strangers / Son Of Alerik (7") |
: Rock In Rio & Cozy's Departure |
: Hughes Thrall, Trapeze, Phenomena & Gary Moore |

Memorial Drive, November 30th 1984 - Live Review
outdoor show of the tour. Memorial Drive Tennis Court may sound
like an odd place to have it but it's the only venue here that
can hold upwards of 10,000 people. I ambled down to the soundcheck
and managed to take a few photos before being
told to cease; six bars of Perfect Strangers and Speed King,
a few bursts of noise and that was it, back in the limos and
and as Ted Nugent once said "if it's too loud, you're too old".
I ain't old, but this was loud - though it's power and energy
rather than just a wall of noise; my trousers were flapping
from the on-stage monitoring alone. The song order was the same
as Perth, in fact the whole
show was very similar but less hesitant and a little more light
hearted (Teddy Bear's Picnic during Strange Kind Of Woman' for
example). Missed cue-ins were still in evidence mainly after
solos but no one really noticed or cared. Encore
time - "we haven't done this song in eleven years" announces
lan as Speed King is slotted in between Black Night and Smoke...,
and it sounds great too with the old Blackmore/Lord trading
finding it's feet again. Next, a Woman From Tokyo teaser and
into Smoke and total wally-dom. Exit stage right."
Review & photo, Howie Kehl
Byrne Arena, The Meadowlands, NJ, March 25th 1985 - Live
stage setup consisted of a bunch of large boxes serving as a
backdrop. There was a screen for projections (more on this later),
and the standard left-to-right lineup from 1973. The set opened
with some prerecorded organ music, and then a modern version
of Highway Star. Perfect
Strangers was supported by a fantastic set of laser effects,
including the group being enclosed in a green cage of lasers.
Child In Time was pretty good, except that they had too much
reverb (echo) on the vocals. lan seemed to be doing just fine
with the shrieks, but the blasted echo garbaged it up. The projection
screen got a work-out, with a version of the In Rock cover.
The clouds in the background were rotating past the mountains,
providing a rather calming background against the rampant surging
of the song.
a finale, an extended Space Truckin'. Both Jon & Ritchie's
solos here were noteworthy, but for different reasons. Beforehand,
Jon started with Fur Elise, through to some honky tonk piano,
and ending with 2001. Ritchie had a new toy, which acted like
a giant balance control to throw the music to the speakers.
In the back of the arena (which was sold out with 19,000 seats),
then back to the front, then back, then front, ad nauseum. Because
of either the equipment or the acoustics, you could not hear
what he was playing - all you could hear was a loud cracking
and rumbling that did not seem to resemble what he was playing
on the fretboard.
then, if this were 1973, it would have been over. But being
1985, we got an encore! Large balloons were bounced into the
audience and we heard a fantastic rendition of Speed King, and
a properly climatic guitar sacrifice, high atop one of the large
cubes to the side of the stage. The band left and the crowd
continued to chant and clap and yell and stomp and scream for
a good ten minutes. And the DP logo kept swirling in all its
photo: Steve Wunrow
Strangers / Son Of Alerik - Single Review
Strangers/Son Of Alerik Polydor POSP 719: UK: Jan 1985 (7" p/s)
Polydor POSPP 719: UK: Jan 1985 (7" pic disc)
Polydor POSEX 719: UK: Jan 1985 (12" p/s)
Polydor POSJ 719: UK: Jan 1985 (DJ 7" p/s)
All these off just one release - crazy; The 7" carried the logo
on front, and the standard reunion publicity shot on the back
with titles. The picture disc, which was fairly limited (couple
of thousand) carried the same artwork plus a computer code.
The 12" went one step further and sported a cover which quite
a few of you reckoned was superior by far to the LP sleeve -
and I'd heartily agree. Nice colour photo in centre, with patterned
border and name/title. There was a free copy of Pete Frames
updated mini-family tree inside too.
music: the album title cut in full, nothing to add to what I
wrote last time. The bonus was an incredible ten minute b-side,
an instrumental at tha. The number seems to be a lengthy jam
around some ideas of Ritchie's. I presume most of the albums
songs began life in this way, so it is a fascinating insight
into the band. Some pleasant bits of guitar doodling, and some
ace keyboard noises from the man, I like the heavy riff which
chugs in once or twice along the way The only vocal on it seems
to be lan Paice exclaiming about a missed beat near the end
- sounds like he's dropped his stickl Think I'll quit typing
for a bit and go play it again.
In Rio & Cozy's Departure - News
second major assault on the Americas ended on December 23rd
after three months on the road supporting Quiet Riot. Jason
Chepeka's notes from the Cobo Hall in Detroit on Nov 24th 1984
keeps us up to date..."The first four songs were as on the 84
European tour - Gambler, Guilty, Ready An' Willing, Love Ain't
No Stranger. Crying In The Rain was introduced as a song 'being
considered for recording on our next album', perhaps due to
the fact that the Saints & Sinners disc was never issued in
the States. Sykes did a Gary Moore imitation at the very start
on his strat, though they've changed the start of the song around
a little. Slow An' Easy was followed by Slide It In. David kept
his voice for the whole show and Cozy played well too. Too bad
there was no encore, but it was a great show."
group had a break over Christmas, then it was down to Brazil
for two shows in the Rock In Rio concert series. Whitesnake
were fairly late entries, replacing Def Leppard, and did fairly
short sets. According to Phil Caine "the group didn't enjoy
the first spot too much - the heat was oppressive and David's
voice suffered." With the arrival of Ozzy Osboume's troop,
David found time to chat with Don Airey and asked him to play
on the next Whitesnake album, to which he agreed. He may well
join on a full time basis. The band's second show on the 19th
January was far more successful, and the group flew out on the
Sunday. It turned out to be Cozy Powell's last gig with them,
and plans to record in Jersey were scrapped. Cozy's unexpected
destination was - Emerson Lake and Powell!
the video front, footage shot at the shows over in Japan in
August '84 has found its way onto two Japanese only releases.
'Live At Super Rock 84' (Toho Video TE0547) is a compilation
of five of the acts from the festival and includes a contribution
from Whitesnake. It seems to be a sampler tape to advertise
full length videos by all the acts concerned, and "Whitesnake:
Super Rock 84" (Toho TE 0549) gives us their set in full,
taped at the Seibu Stadium on Aug 11th and 12th 1984.
back to the top
Thrall, Trapeze , Phenomena & Gary Moore - News
Plans were made recently for a reformed Trapeze consisting of
Mel Galley, Don Airey, Ted McKenna and of course Glenn . So
what happened? Back
in 1983 Glenn and Pat Thrall renewed their partnership to work
on some material for a movie called Ghostbusters (the title
given at the time was 'Ghost Business'). The stuff was rejected
at the last minute in favour of something more commercial (I
suppose nobody can argue with that given the title song's success!),
but Hughes/Thrall decided to take up the threads of their group
and began work on a second album early in 1984. In
April, Glenn took time off to help out on the Phenomena project
organised by Mel Galley's brother, where Glenn and Mel discussed
the chances of getting a band going. As a result Hughes/ Thrall
was put on ice once again. Glenn still had some bits to tape
for Phenomena though, and found himself in the studio where
Gary Moore was working on a new album. He initially offered
to help on a couple of numbers, and ended up being offered a
full time job. A very lucrative deal was worked out which Glenn
found very hard to turn down. The full line-up is Glenn Hughes/
bass & vocals; Gary Moore/ guitar; Neil Carter/ keyboards
and guitar; Gary Ferguson/ drums. They plan to re-record Empty
Rooms for a single in July, backing it with a live track from
the stock left over from the recent live album, so it could
feature lan Paice!
(I might as well mention that set here. It was called 'We Want
Moore' and is basically a single album assembled from recordings
made over an 18 month period. Most feature lan Paice. It looks
like a double set, but closer examination reveals a free 12"
single making up the package. I couldn't be bothered to buy
it, and we've had no reviews sent in so I assume you all felt
likewise. lan by the way claims that his absence from the last
Gary Moore studio album was not due to the flu so much, as the
fact that he dried up in the studio and found himself unable
to play properly at all. He decided the best thing to do was
to clear off for a week. When he returned his inspiration had
returned, but the deputy had taped most of the tracks already.)
has done a number of sessions lately. Lead vocals for a solo
album by Bobby Kimball (from Toto), as well as production and
bass playing duties. He also guested on Nightranger's last album.
On the Heaven album Where Angels Fear To Tread, he contributed
backing vocals to three songs. Sessions for Mark St. John (Kiss),
and Steve Morse are lined up.
to the top
in the magazine.....stacks of Perfect Strangers tour photos, and reviews
from Australia, New Zealand,
USA & Canada......Perfect Strangers display & promotional
material.....the first Perfect Strangers bootlegs reviewed.....Live
In Italy 1971 bootleg reviewed....the making of the Knocking At Your
Back Door promo video
....Deep Purple French singles article....Q&A.....and much more.
the magazine can
be purchased from the dpas
online store
the DPAS
2003 DPAS/Darker Than Blue.
Not to be replicated, reproduced, stored and/or distributed in any
way without prior written permission